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Acoustic scanning of natural scenes by echolocation in the big brown bat, Eptesicus fuscus

机译:在棕色大蝙蝠中通过回声定位对自然场景进行声学扫描, 扶桑



Echolocation allows bats to orient and localize prey in complete darkness. The sonar beam of the big brown bat, Eptesicus fuscus, is directional but broad enough to provide audible echo information from within a 60–90 deg. cone. This suggests that the big brown bat could interrogate a natural scene without fixating each important object separately. We tested this idea by measuring the directional aim and duration of the bat's sonar beam as it performed in a dual task, obstacle avoidance and insect capture. Bats were trained to fly through one of two openings in a fine net to take a tethered insect at variable distances behind the net. The bats sequentially scanned the edges of the net opening and the prey by centering the axis of their sonar beam with an accuracy of ∼5 deg. The bats also shifted the duration of their sonar calls, revealing sequential sampling along the range axis. Changes in duration and directional aim were correlated, showing that the bat first inspected the hole, and then shifted its gaze to the more distant insect, before flying through the net opening. Contrary to expectation based on the sonar beam width, big brown bats encountering a complex environment accurately pointed and shifted their sonar gaze to sequentially inspect closely spaced objects in a manner similar to visual animals using saccades and fixations to scan a scene. The findings presented here from a specialized orientation system, echolocation, offer insights into general principles of active sensing across sensory modalities for the perception of natural scenes.
机译:回声使蝙蝠可以在完全黑暗的环境中对猎物进行定向和定位。大棕蝙蝠(Eptesicus fuscus)的声纳束是定向的,但宽度足以提供60-90度范围内的可听回波信息。锥体。这表明,大型棕色蝙蝠可以审讯自然场景,而无需分别固定每个重要物体。我们通过测量蝙蝠声纳束在双重任务,避障和捕获昆虫中所执行的定向目标和持续时间来测试该想法。蝙蝠经过训练可以在细网中的两个开口之一中飞行,以在网后可变距离处捕获拴系的昆虫。蝙蝠通过将声纳束的轴居中,以〜5度的精度居中,依次扫描网孔和猎物的边缘。蝙蝠还改变了声纳的持续时间,揭示了沿射程轴的连续采样。持续时间和定向目标的变化是相关的,表明蝙蝠首先检查了孔,然后将目光转移到距离较远的昆虫上,然后才飞过网孔。与基于声纳束宽度的预期相反,遇到复杂环境的大棕蝙蝠准确地指向并移动了声纳视线,以类似于视觉动物的方式使用扫视镜和注视仪扫描场景,依次检查紧密间隔的物体。这里从专门的定向系统(回声定位)中呈现的发现提供了对跨自然感觉模式感知自然感觉的主动感测的一般原理的见解。



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